Why is DAI your stablecoin of choice. In 1 word.

02 Feb 2023, 17:21
Why is DAI your stablecoin of choice? In 1 word.

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DaiDAI #21
02 Feb 2023, 18:36
Raising the DSR to 1% led to more than 35 million DAI being deposited in a month. The DSR is a Maker Protocol module that can be plugged into any other DeFi tool, extending the baseline yield of DeFi to a broader group of users. How can a DeFi protocol connect to the DSR?
Raising the DSR to 1% led to more than 35 million DAI being deposited in a month.
Raising the DSR to 1% led to more than 35 million DAI being deposited in a month. The DSR is a Maker Protocol module that can be plugged into any other DeFi tool, extending the baseline yield of DeFi to a broader group of users. How can a DeFi protocol connect to the DSR? ↓ https://t.co/vXwcKFCuP6