Just noticed DefiLlama is reporting RWA TVL now. Always the. Next step is to tokenize and provide real-time proof of reserves.

20 Oct 2023, 16:03
Just noticed DefiLlama is reporting RWA TVL now. Always the 🐐 Next step is to tokenize and provide real-time proof of reserves.

Same news in other sources

DaiDAI #21
20 Oct 2023, 16:14
USDC and USDT are now live on Spark with e-mode on sDAI For sDAI users, this means you can borrow USDC and USDT for your leveraged DeFi strategies. For USDC and USDT users, take advantage of the interest rate from these borrowers. ⚡️ ⚡️
USDC and USDT are now live on Spark with e-mode on sDAI.
USDC and USDT are now live on Spark with e-mode on sDAI For sDAI users, this means you can borrow USDC and USDT for your leveraged DeFi strategies. For USDC and USDT users, take advantage of the interest rate from these borrowers. ⚡️ https://t.co/wP36gAlcFB ⚡️