A new Executive Vote is live on the Maker Governance portal.

30 Sep 2023, 22:00
A new Executive Vote is live on the Maker Governance portal. 🗳️ MKR holders and delegates can use their voting power to deploy the changes listed below, if they support them.

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DaiDAI #21
30 Sep 2023, 22:00
🗳 It's your turn, MKR holders and delegates, to participate meaningfully in the direction of MakerDAO. Vote directly through the Executive Proposal: or Delegate your MKR to one or more Recognized Delegates:
It's your turn, MKR holders and delegates, to participate meaningfully in the direction of MakerDAO.
🗳 It's your turn, MKR holders and delegates, to participate meaningfully in the direction of MakerDAO. Vote directly through the Executive Proposal: https://t.co/nNRt50AMFp or Delegate your MKR to one or more Recognized Delegates: https://t.co/Kfi8ppWW07
DaiDAI #21
30 Sep 2023, 22:00
Spark Protocol Proxy Spell If this executive proposal passes, a Proxy Spell for Spark Protocol will be triggered at 0x9FfFbc278119Ad854b58C3d219212849E8B54eF8 to activate the Gnosis Chain instance of Spark Lend.
Spark Protocol Proxy Spell.
⚡ Spark Protocol Proxy Spell If this executive proposal passes, a Proxy Spell for Spark Protocol will be triggered at 0x9FfFbc278119Ad854b58C3d219212849E8B54eF8 to activate the Gnosis Chain instance of Spark Lend.