A new Executive Vote is live on the Maker Governance portal.

17 Oct 2023, 15:49
A new Executive Vote is live on the Maker Governance portal. 🗳️ MKR holders and delegates can use their voting power to deploy the changes listed below, if they support them. 💸 USDP-PSM Incentives If this executive proposal passes, the DAO…

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DaiDAI #21
17 Oct 2023, 15:58
Amazing tool. While rETH is being offboarded from Maker Protocol's core vault engine, it remains an active collateral asset on @sparkdotfi with up to 200 million DAI available to be borrowed, cross-collateralization, and a predictable rate of 5.53%. With @DeFiSaver you can now…
Amazing tool.
Amazing tool. While rETH is being offboarded from Maker Protocol's core vault engine, it remains an active collateral asset on @sparkdotfi with up to 200 million DAI available to be borrowed, cross-collateralization, and a predictable rate of 5.53%. With @DeFiSaver you can now…